Our Services

Our Aerial Drone Photography Services

We offer a low cost option from a perspective that could have only been achieved by full sized aircraft. See a different view from as high as a few hundred feet to as low as just a few feet off the ground.

Navigate to our service pages below:

Aerial Photography for Construction

Aerial Photography for Real Estate

Aerial Photography for Asset Inspection

Other Aerial Drone Photography Services

  1. 3D Modeling and Mapping*
  2. Aerial Surveying*
  3. Time Lapse Imaging / Showing progress to clients / Investors
  4. Monitoring Job Sites
  5. Inspecting Structures
  6. Improve Chances of Winning Project Bids
  7. Managing the Projects Completion Time/Budget

*Under Indiana Code IC-25-21.5-1-7 These services require an Indiana state licensed surveyor on staff. Contact us for more information.

Thermal Use Imaging

  1. thermal use imaging Electrical, Power Line and Transformer Inspection
  2. Firefighting Operations
  3. Search and Rescue
  4. Law Enforcement Assistance
  5. Agriculture
  6. Roofing and Structure Inspections
  7. Environmental Inspections

24/7 Official Emergency Services Available

  1. emergency services available Call 317-273-3626 ext. 3 to be connected with our 24/7 phone emergency response team
    • Search and Rescue
    • Firefighting emergencies
    • Police overhead watch
    • Traffic accidents
    • Homeland Security operations
    • Etc..


Drone Photography For

There is no better way to monitor and inspect your construction project than with drone videos and pictures.

Drone Photography For
Photo Overlay

Drone technology allows us to offer affordable aerial drone photo overlay services as well as 3D modeling overlaid on a map.

Drone Photography For
Real Estate

Give your buyer a bird's eye view of your commercial or residential real estate property with drone photography for real estate.

Drone Photography For
Asset Inspection

Structures such as buildings, dams, towers, and wind turbines are now easy to inspect regularly with drone inspection services.

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